These are web pages for articles from the VK4ADC.COM web site prior to 1 Jan 2024.
Note that web links to EXE or ZIP files within the PDFs are not valid, although some ZIP files are available from a separate links page.
While many of these pages could be considered old by their date, there are still some good ideas contained within the articles.
10 MHz OCXO Project.pdf
160-80-40 Metre Trapped V - Dipole.pdf
2 Metre 'Troppo' - FNQ to SEQ - 29 Sep 2011.pdf
2 Metre 5_8th wave whip.pdf
2.4 GHz & 3.4 GHz Transverter Ideas.pdf
2009 John Moyle Field Day.pdf
2009 Spring VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2009 Summer VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2009 Winter VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2010 John Moyle Field Day.pdf
2010 Spring VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2010 Summer VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2010 Winter VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2011 Brisbane Microwave Field Day.pdf
2011 Brisbane Microwave Tune-Up Day.pdf
2011 Spring VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2011 Summer VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2011 Winter VHF-UHF Field Day.pdf
2012 John Moyle Field Day.pdf
2012 SEQ Microwave Test_TuneUp Day.pdf
2012 Spring VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2012 Summer VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2012 Winter Field Day.pdf
2013 Brisbane Tune_Test_Antenna Day - April 21.pdf
2013 John Moyle Field Day.pdf
2013 Microwave Activity Day - Feb 24.pdf
2013 Summer VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2013 Winter VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2014 Spring Field Day.pdf
2014 Summer Field Day.pdf
2014 Winter Field Day.pdf
2015 John Moyle Field Day.pdf
2015 Summer VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2016 John Moyle Field Day.pdf
2016 Spring VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
2016 Summer VHF_UHF Field Day.pdf
23cm _ 1296 MHz Transverter.pdf
23cm _1296MHz Field Day Yagi.pdf
28MHz SARS Beacon Project.pdf
4 GHz Counter Pre-Scaler Project.pdf
50MHz CB Conversion.pdf
50MHz_6m J-pole Antenna.pdf
6 Element 50MHz_6m Yagi.pdf
70cm _ 432 MHz Transverter Project.pdf
A 'Fast' FD Yagi Mounting.pdf
A 13cm _ 2403 MHz Power Amp Stage.pdf
A Coffee Can Feed for 2.4 & 3.4 GHz.pdf
A Homebrew Microwave RF Power Meter.pdf
A Low-Cost 10 MHz TCXO.pdf
A Low-Power 70cm Mini-Transverter.pdf
A Microwave RF Bridge.pdf
A Picaxe 08M Tone Signal Generator.pdf
A PICAXE-based Audio Frequency Decoder._.pdf
A PICAXE-based Rotator Controller.pdf
A Variable Base-Loading-Coil for use under a HF Mobile Whip.pdf
Adjusting HF Antenna Lengths.pdf
Australian amateur radio licences data.pdf
Australian CB Channel Information.pdf
BandView software add-on for WSJT-X for Windows.pdf
Beware fake semiconductors.pdf
Brisbane Microwave Activity Day - 28 October 2012.pdf
Building a W1GHZ-based 2.4GHz Transverter.pdf
Building a W1GHZ-based 3.4GHz Transverter.pdf
Coaxial Cable Comparisons.pdf
Contact Me.._.pdf
Diamond W8010 replica info - PA2C.pdf
Dig-Link software _ automatic digital contest logging from WSJT-X to VKCL.pdf
Extending a Cushcraft A3S Triband Yagi to add 18 and 24MHz.pdf
Extending VKCL software for easy logging of microwave contacts.pdf
FCC Trial Exam Software.pdf
Field Day Antenna Rotation.pdf
Field Day Ideas 2008_2009 { _ VHF & UHF FD Antenna Techniques }.pdf
FM Broadcast _Fix_ for the Yaesu FT-1802M.pdf
GPS2Time - a means of sync-ing your computer clock using a GPS Receiver.pdf
GPSDO _ GPS Disciplined Oscillator.pdf
HF Field Day Antenna Ideas.pdf
HF Helical Whip Calculator.pdf
Icom CIV info for IC-7000 and IC7400.pdf
Icom IC-706Mk2G High Stability Option Results.pdf
Icom Transceiver Antenna Band-switching Project.pdf
LogView for WSJT-X.pdf
Low Cost Antenna Traps.pdf
Measuring SWR at 1296 MHz - My Way._.pdf
MHW1815 _ MHW1915 Modifications for 23cm Amateur Use.pdf
Microwave Activity Day - May 2012.pdf
Modifying The Conifer Grid Pack Feed.pdf
My Slice of Pi - a WSPR beacon project.pdf
Need A Crystal But Don't Want to Order A New One ___.pdf
Noise sources affecting the radio shack.pdf
PICAXE Transverter Sequencer.pdf
PICAXE-based Auto Antenna Switch for Icom Radios.pdf
Portable HF Antenna Options.pdf
Producing PCBs from positive artwork and positive resist PCB material.pdf
PSKReporter Viewer.pdf
Quick Amateur Radio Prefix Lookup Software.pdf (PfxLookup V1 2018)
Quick Amateur Radio Prefix Lookup Software V2.pdf (PfxLookup V2 2025)
Radio-quiet notebook computers.pdf
SDR Up-Converter Project.pdf
Squid Pole Use for HF Antennas - A Topic Revisited.pdf
Stabilising Crystal Oscillators _ The _X-Locker_ Project.pdf
The Amateur Microwave Scene in Europe 2012.pdf
The Squid Pole Wire Antenna Re-visited - Again.._.pdf
The Trials & Tribulations Of Going Portable.._.pdf
The _VK4ADC_ Family Caravan.pdf
Toroidal BALUN Info.pdf
Tuning HF Coaxial Antenna Traps.pdf
Turnstile VHF_UHF Field Day Antenna.pdf
TV UHF Band 4_5 Log Periodic Yagi.pdf
Updating a 2.4GHz DEMI Transverter Local Oscillator.pdf
Using the Silicon Laboratories' Si4133 RF Synthesiser Chip.pdf
Using VKCL with Multiple Icom Radios.pdf
VHF PLL Frequency Synthesiser.pdf
WSPRView software for Windows.pdf
X-Lock-ing the Kuhne 10GHz G2 transverter.pdf
X-Lock-ing the Kuhne 1296 MHz G2 transverter.pdf
X-Locker V3.pdf
_Fixing_ the LDG Z100 ATU.pdf